Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year have a read and let me know what you think

Hi All,
Happy New Year. If like me you are fed up with the way the sick and disabled are being treated by this colition you can get you'd own back this is how.

We have EU elections this year and next year we have a General election all you have to do is not vote for the Tories or Lib dems. I find it funny this morning in the paper Cameron is saying thing are getting better funny that when he is about to start fighting for survival.

Lets get them out them hold the likes of Cameron and IDS (Incomplete Data Suppiled Man) accountable for the suffering they have caused. My only hope is that one day they end up disabled and in pain the only problem is they can afford the best of care sod the rest of us.

I served my country's have become disabled thought no fault of my own do you think I can get any help? Not one bit the Tory party used to support those who served the country and became disabled. Now all they do is support the Bankers you know them who caused the mess we are in.
Take care and stay well

Monday 24 June 2013

Hunt is playing the blame game

 Hut is playing the blame game


Hunt ‘ready to blame anyone rather than government’

Last updated Mon 24 Jun 2013

Delegates at the British Medical Conference have reacted to their vote of no confidence in the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

Consultant Jacky Davis told the conference that “Mr Hunt is about as popular as George Osborne at the Olympic medal ceremony”.

“Mr Hunt is ready to blame anyone and everyone rather than the government” she continued.

“His new cunning plan is to cut back the service, the staff and then blame the NHS and say it can only be saved by the private sector”.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Saturday 22 June 2013


<p>Most people on Employment Support Allowance (ESA) will at some point have to undergo an assessment which will be carried ou by the French company ATOS. It is my belief that this assessment should be carried out by a Doctor, also before you attend they should contact your GP at present they don't the reason for this is cost. They have to pay for a medical report. In my opinion this I should happen Especialy when 40% of appeals are being won at a cost to the taxpayer</p><p>Stop Atos using non doctors for medical assessments - e-petitions</p>

Please take time to read and make your voice heard

Good to see the number of social welfare petitions growing on… Includes#WOWpetition #SaveUKJustice
Please read and share

Hold DWP to Account

<p>It's high time the DWP were held accountable for the suffering they have caused please read and spread this e petition</p><p>: To Investigate the DWP and connected MPs for corporate manslaughter.  In relation to the WCA